The Literature teaching in dialogue with the Common National Curricular Base:
This article discusses the place of the Literature in BNCC and what way it’s being discussed with the school and teachers of Languages. For this, based mainly on the studies by Rildo Cosson (2020) and Annie Rouxel (2013), it seeks to highlight how the literary text reaches the student and how the teacher contributes to the formation of readers who dialogue with the time of the text, the author and your own time. Furthermore, the researches by Jorge Larrosa (2006) and Magda Soares (1999) on the schooling of literature and the “literaturization” of the school are debated alongside two extension actions carried out with students from public institutions of basic education. Such activities demonstrated that there are possible ways to “contemporaneize” the classics and allow for dialogue between authors and readers from different times.
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