O ERE em língua portuguesa: estratégias pedagógicas com as TDICS em formação inicial de professores
With Emergency Remote Teaching – ERT, digital technologies gained even more space in the initial training of teachers, which enable the creation of new ways of scaffolding learning. In this sense, the current study seeks to assess the pedagogical contribution of digital applications in the teaching practice of teachers in initial training with the production of the textual genre “review” by taking into account the competence 7 and the field of social action known as Study and Research Practices in the Common Curricular National Basis (BRASIL, 2018). The production activities related to the review genre were carried out with the aid of the Genre Didactic Sequence (DOLZ, NOVERRAZ and SCHNEUWLY, 2004). By means of this experimental proposal, it is considered that the teachers in initial training were able to manipulate satisfactorily digital tools designed for genre learning in the field of social action of Study and Research Practices and, consequently, they acquired new experiences that expanded their theoretical and practical expertise. The reality check caused by the ERT also brought up an environment in which the teachers were able to deal with different school situations and perceive the learning needs related to the language skills of the class.
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