No Fundo do Canto
the cantopoem of Odete Costa Semedo
This article aims to present an analysis of the book No fundo do canto by Odete Costa Semedo to elucidate, from the perspective of the female voice present in the work, which background and song are those that the poet uses to compose her cantopoem (d) enunciating the violence suffered for its people during the civil war that devastated Guinea-Bissau. In this sense, in addition to revealing his ethnic origins, in this work, Semedo tells the traditions, struggles and resistance of Guineans to collectively (re)build this African country. Therefore, the assumptions of Walter Benjamin (1986) in “O Narrador” will be used to confirm that the poet, as tcholonadur of her own time, sings her cantopoem to narrate the history of her land.
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