The construction of ethos:

a discursive analysis of female representations in the novel O Alegre canto da perdiz, by Paulina Chiziane

Keywords: Ethos construction., Paulina Chiziane., Representations of the feminine.×


ABSTRACT: The Mozambican literary production has made a rescue of the culture of the people that suffered erasures during the colonization process, retelling the history from the perspective of the colonized. Such perspectives appear heavily criticized in the works of Paulina Chiziane, since the author destructures and reorganizes the identities that until then had their cultural expressions lacking any publication. In her narratives, she highlights the conditions of Mozambican women who were marked by subservience, oppression and resignation in the face of social impositions. Based on this, and considering that in the work O alegre canto da perdiz (2008) the narrative core is all composed of female characters, the present research analyzes how the sociopolitical position of the author Paulina Chiziane is constructed through the discursive ethos in the representations of the feminine in her work. The study, qualitative and bibliographic, is based on the concepts of discursive ethos and enunciative scene by Dominique Maingueneau.


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Author Biography

Tatiele Pereira da Silva, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão

Graduada em Letras/Inglês e suas respectivas literaturas (UEMA) especialização em Literatura e Ensino (UEMA-cursando). Atua como professora de Língua Inglesa na Escola Infantil Brincando e Aprendendo (EIBA)


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