Reading conceptions in the Portuguese language textbook for the final years of elementary school
This study aims to present a discussion about the reading concepts that guide activities of a Portuguese language textbook for the 7th grade of elementary school final years. Therefore, the theoretical contribution used for the research includes the voices of authors such as Freire (2003), Marcuschi (2008), Menegassi (2005), Coracini (1995), Koch and Elias (2008), Barbosa (2008) and others. The corpus of analysis is composed of 3 (three) activities offered by the book “Geração Alpha Língua Portuguesa - 7° Ano”, authored by Cibele L. Costa, Everaldo Nogueira and Greta Marchetti, published in 2019, by Edições Sm. show that the analyzed textbook presents in its structure three reading perspectives, these being: structuralist, cognitive and interactionist. The oscillation between perspectives becomes harmful to teaching practices, since the training of teachers is not always so significant as to form subjects who question teaching materials.
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