La expresión del modo de acceso a la información en entrevistas de diarios argentinos
Among the different variables encompassed by the evidential field, one of the main ones is the mode of access, which refers to the way the speaker had access to information. In the present work, the objective was to analyze what type of mode of access predominates in Argentinean newspaper interviews and to investigate how the interaction between it and some categories related to the evidential domain occurs. Thus, based on studies about evidentiality (AIKHENVALD, 2004; HATTNHER, 2018), besides the theoretical framework of the Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG), the data concerning the mode of access were crossed with some classes, which allude to the grammatical levels proposed by the FDG (Interpersonal, Representational and Morphosyntactic). In general, the statistics showed the predominance of secondhand information and inferences by logical reasoning. These results, in turn, are consistent with the principles that govern this textual gender.
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