Vowel reduction in rising diphthongs in the Brazilian Portuguese of Belo Horizonte:

evidence of the ongoing evolutionary trajectory of the Portuguese language

Keywords: Rising diphthongs; Vowel reduction; Emergence of consonants at the end of words.


This paper analyzes the vowel reduction in rising diphthongs formed by front glide + back high vowel in the Portuguese of Belo Horizonte - MG. Two hypotheses were tested: (i) there are higher monothongation rates than cancellation rates of both vowels; (ii) the cancellation of both vowels is lexically motivated. The results confirmed the hypotheses, demonstrating that the cancellation of both vowels of the diphthong varies from word to word and occurs in an incipient way. Based on the Multirepresentational Models (CRISTÓFARO-SILVA; GOMES, 2004) and the Theory of Dynamic and Complex Systems (THELEN; SMITH, 2003), we argue that vowel reduction reflects an evolutionary trajectory in the Portuguese, which manifests itself phonetically, lexically and gradually in unstressed vowels and diphthongs. In advanced stages, this trajectory can result in vowel cancellation and, consequently, the emergence of end consonants. It is emphasized the emergent consonants may modify the phonotactic of the Portuguese language.


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