O embate de vozes sociais em torno do signo ideológico Touro de Ouro da bolsa de valores brasileira (B3)
In this work, we analyze the Golden Bull ideological sign supported by the theoretical-methodological contribution produced by the Bakhtin Circle. In the discursive analysis undertaken, we compared the Golden Bull sign with other utterances produced dialogically around it. The methodology used in the present study configures an interpretive research with a qualitative approach. Based on the concepts of ideological sign, dialogism and social voices, we were able to understand how, dialogically, the meanings were produced in the clash of voices emanating from the Golden Bull ideological sign, and how it aroused responses through other utterances made in various genres, including through of the statue of a lean cow. The analysis signals the ideological dimension evoked by the Golden Bull sign and the repercussion/response act generated around this sign, pointing out the dispute of meanings that the statue expressed: to the stock exchange, financial success, to the people, brazilian social inequality.
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