From intimate to exposed: analyzing of news headlines in light of the Appraisal System
Through the Appraisal System, within the framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics, this study investigates, based on lexico-grammatical choices, the presence of evaluative linguistic resources in headlines from news websites that reported a comment made by journalist Marcelo Cosme about his family on national television while hosting "Jornal Hoje". We also reflect upon the (de)essentialization of social and discursive practices problematizing, above all, the sense of estrangement directed towards the discursive performances of LGBTQIA+ individuals from the theoretical perspective of queer studies in Applied Linguistics. The analysis indicates that the headlines reflect the implicit stance of their authors regarding Cosme's comment, which was negatively judged in terms of social esteem and social sanction. The insights generated point to the need to queerize/de-essentialize our social and discursive practices in favor of building a contemporary world that values diversity and respects LGBTQIA+ lives.
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