Translation, history and ideology in the novel Mapocho, by Nona Fernández
This essay problematizes the translation task of an excerpt from Nona Fernández’s novel ‘Mapocho’ (2002), exploring the interplay between history, fiction, and truth. It is assumed that, in addition to challenges related to the lexicon, semantic and syntactic values, it is essential to explore ideological components, considering that the novel presents itself as a reinterpretation of history and proposes a new interpretation of the official
record. It should be noted that the ethical positioning integrates the exercise of translation, reflecting human complexity, from the perspective that the uses of language are the result of knowledge and values forged in private and social experiences, hierarchical, institutional and power relations. The discussion takes as a reference, formulations by Benjamin (2008), Gagnebin (1998; 2013) and Sarlo (2007), among others. It is inferred that the translation must offer the reader tools to interpret the reality that the original wants to convey, without interventions that significantly alter the source text.
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