Between history, fiction and intertextuality: The novel “Sede”, by Amélie Nothomb
O romance Sede, de Amélie Nothomb
In Sede (2021), a novel by Amélie Nothomb, Jesus narrates his last days on Earth as someone who shares human sensations and feelings, but who is also endowed with superhuman powers. These attributes allowed us to cover this character from both a historical and fictional perspective, nearing these aspects. Historically, we glimpse an individual who lived in Galilee, followed by many and later sentenced to death. As for fictionality, the
character's anachronistic quotes aroused our interest in an analysis that would make it possible to understand the interlacings and dialogues between such intertexts and the main narrative. Thus, we selected three intertextual examples, which we classified into three axes: literary, religious, and philosophical. Studying intertextuality through this novel allowed us to glimpse similarities between history and fiction surrounding an ancient character like Jesus, helping us understand the possibility of rewriting the past in a constantly changing and (re)constructing present.
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