Historical romance or romanticized history? A discussion on Mariana, by Augusto de Lima Júnior

Uma discussão sobre Mariana, de Augusto de Lima Júnior

Keywords: Historical novel, Augusto de Lima Júnior, Mariana, History and Literature


Mariana (1932), the fifth book by writer Augusto de Lima Júnior, narrates a moment of historical relevance for the first city of Minas Gerais, marked by transformations in some of its religious and social traditions, which directly impact the fictional path of its protagonist, Eugênio Harden. The plot takes place ten years before the book's publication, in 1922, and presents several elements that can be discussed regarding the relationship between history and literature. Thus, considering the discussions by Mikhail Bakhtin (1998) on the theory of the novel and by Georgy Lukács (2011) on historical novels, this work aims at problematizing the relationships between history and literature present in Mariana, in addition to analyzing whether or not it can be defined as a historical novel.


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