“Programa do Galinho” on Radio Educadora do Maranhão
the challenge posed by the migration from AM to FM band to radiophony with a bias in the rurban tradition
The intention of this article is to reflect on the resistance of community practices, with a strong presence of primary and secondary orality (NGO, 1998; ZUMTHOR, 1993), in the context of relations between people from rural and urban areas in contact with broadcasting. The corpus is the “Programa do Galinho” from Rádio Educadora AM in São Luís do Maranhão. It is a radio product with more than five decades that faces the challenge of a possible migration of the station to the FM band. The concept of memory and the perception of additional trades today is also promoted. The vocal performance of Carlos Henrique, Galinho, who died in 2021, a victim of Covid-19, is analyzed in such a way as to highlight his protagonism with the listener/advertiser of notices and advertising messages of popular trade in fairs and markets, an attitude that, together with news about festivities in the countryside, composes a repertoire that resists time.
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