Within the Band: The competition among migrating AM-FM broadcasters for space in brazilian radio

  • João Cubas Martins UFPR
  • Maíra Rossin Gioia de Brito UFPR
  • Valquíria Michela John UFPR
  • José Carlos Fernandes UFPR
Keywords: Technological Convergence, Expanded Radio, Extended Band, AM-FM Migration


The article proposes an observation of AM-FM migration by tracing the historicity of the process, amidst convergence, focusing on the reverberation of broadcasters who do not feel accommodated in the extended band. These frequencies were used in analog TV and were the solution found to accommodate migrant AM broadcasters in congested spectrum areas.  The study is guided by Andrew Feenberg's Critical Theory of Technology, proposing an analysis that overflows the changes triggered by technological devices. Thus, technology affects the sociopolitical context, since mechanisms and solutions do not only concern equipment, but an efficiency built by social and political interests. To this end, there is an analysis of the documentation sent by broadcasters to the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel), in which they request a frequency change to within the so-called conventional band (87.5 to 108 MHz) instead of the extended FM band (76 to 87 MHz). The request for "changing the basic FM plan" is made via the Electronic Information System (SEI) to Anatel, which after technical analysis authorizes the frequency change. As requests can be denied and then resubmitted, the analyzed set involves 81 requests from 43 broadcasters, with 34 having their requests granted. Companies need to prove that they can occupy a certain frequency above 88 MHz without interfering with other existing FM broadcasters in nearby regions. With the documentation obtained via the system, analysis categories were established to understand the change process: how many requests were made, from which states, how many times each company made these requests, and how many times the return was positive from the government agency. It is noted that AM-FM migration interferes with how the public receives these broadcasters by noting the attempt not to be in a band that is not receivable to older receivers. In this way, the study also highlights that Brazilian radio arrived in the 21st century with new definitions, such as expanded radio (Kischinhevsky, 2016) and hypermedia (Lopez, 2010) and proposes that the bottleneck may be in the non-realization of the transmission digitalization process. Such a path - defining which digitalization format the country will follow - could minimize the critical situation in which dozens of broadcasters find themselves, which, as the study points out, to survive, bow in request to the regulatory agency.

Author Biographies

João Cubas Martins, UFPR

Public Relations graduate from PUCPR (Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná) and Journalist graduate from UFPR (Federal University of Paraná). Master's degree holder and PhD candidate in the Graduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Paraná (PPGCOM/UFPR).

Maíra Rossin Gioia de Brito, UFPR

Journalist graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (SP) with a specialization in Organizational Communication and a Master's degree in Language Studies from UTFPR (Federal Technological University of Paraná). Currently a PhD candidate in Communication at UFPR (Federal University of Paraná) and coordinator of the Journalism Center at UFPR School Agency.

Valquíria Michela John, UFPR

PhD in Communication and Information from UFRGS. Professor at PPGCOM and undergraduate program at Decom/UFPR. Vice-leader of the Nefics group. Coordinates the UFPR Obitel group, member of the Obitel Brazil Network. Works at UFPR's School Agency for Public Communication and Scientific Dissemination and the Interinstitutional Citizen Science in School Program. CNPq PQ2 Research Fellow. Vice-president of Compós.

José Carlos Fernandes, UFPR

Professor of Social Communication - Journalism and permanent faculty member of the Graduate Program in Communication (PPGCom) at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Holds a PhD and Master's degree in Literary Studies from UFPR, specialization in 20th Century Art History from the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná (Embap). Graduated in Philosophy from Cearp (1985), Journalism from UFPR and Printmaking from the School of Fine Arts of Paraná (1993).


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How to Cite
Cubas Martins, J., Rossin Gioia de Brito, M., Michela John, V., & Carlos Fernandes, J. (2024). Within the Band: The competition among migrating AM-FM broadcasters for space in brazilian radio. Radiofonias – Journal of Audio Media Studies, 15(3), 112-133. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufop.br/radiofonias/article/view/7672