Of poet and psychoanalyst :

to listen the pain and to welcom the poetry’s effect.

  • Fanny Réguer Université Rennes 2
Keywords: Salinger, Lacan, poetry, pain, senses effect, hole’s effect


In one of his short stories, J.D. Salinger wrote a critic of the way some psychoanalysts have studied artworks through a reduction of the artist as a classical neurotic. This critic reminds of the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan's original stand on the question. With this posture in mind we would like to examine the relationship between poetry and psychoanalysis under the aegis of this question : How may one allow himself to discuss poetic artworks within the psychoanalysis field? This article will follow Salinger’s propositions to examine how, following "the artist where he paves the way for us"(Lacan, 1965), psychoanalysis can be taught something by poetry – rather the opposite way around – and learn about the dimension of pain that it also seeks to explore. But also how poetry may infiltrate psychoalanalysis.


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Author Biography

Fanny Réguer, Université Rennes 2

Fanny Réguer

Psychologue clinicienne, Doctorante en psychopathologie (troisième année), à l'université Rennes 2, laboratoire de Recherches en psychopathologie, nouveaux symptômes et lien social (EA 4050), sous la direction du Professeur des universités Laurent Ottavi.

Clincal psychologist, PhD Student (third year), Rennes 2 University, Research in psychopathology, " new symptoms and social bond" laboratory (EA 4050). Supervisor : Pr Laurent Ottavi.


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