What to do with your money: the prescriptive discourse in newspaper headlines about personal finances

  • Leusa Cristina Bezerra dos Santos
Keywords: Journalism, Newspaper headlines, Self-help, Discourse Analysis


Get out of debt. Pay your bills on time and avoid need of the special cheque. These are some points gave by the media when the subject is personal finances. But, for those who are directed? How is seen the reader in this kind of approach? What discour­ses they refer? This article aims to answer these questions and investigate, from the discourse analysis of the french line, the directions that emerge from these types of utterances of newspaper headlines and how these directions connect simultaneously to self-help discourse. The media needs of audience and is seen as mere conduit of truth and with credibility. Using this ideological constitution, the journalistic news­paper headlines utterances about the personal financial of the people are classified in discursive formations that lead to see the self-help discourse and also to relevance of the media discourse. In the middle of the ideological saying hybrids arena, are the subject-author and the subject-reader, that coexisting concurrently through the direc­tions that emerging of utterances.


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