Havan and bolsonarism
a critical intertextual analysis
This article aims to analyze how intertextual relations are established in an advertisement for the Havan chain of stores, investigating possible associations between Bolsonarism and this company. To this end, the category of intertextuality was used, concerning the actional meaning of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), and in the terms of Mozdzenski (2009) to deepen the investigation on the imagetic discourse. Aiming to deepen this analysis, the theoretical-methodological apparatus of the Grammar of Visual Design was used, especially to accentuate the discussion about the conditions of discourse production, given the emphasis
on the representational metafunction of this theory through the category quot;type of visual structure", which allows analyzing the representation of social actors in the images. Regarding the methodological procedures, this research is characterized as qualitative and bibliographical, with the main materials consulted being the authors Chouliaraki and Fairclough (1999), Resende and Ramalho (2021), Kress and Van Leeuwen (1999, 2006) and Mozdzenski (2009).
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