A arte de Ensinar

a debate on the teaching and learning of the English Language through play

Keywords: A arte de Ensinar, Film, Lúdico, English Linguage


This article aims to present the project “The Art of Teaching”, which was developed as part of the master's research and which was turned into a film. The main objective of the article is to verify whether the game helps students in teaching and learning the English language (Brown, 2012). As a theoretical reference, it brings discussions about the concept of play and its use in the classroom (Andrade, 2017), the use of music in the teaching-learning process (Levinskaya, 2015), the sociocultural realities of students (Freire, 1987), between others. As a methodology, we used a semi-structured questionnaire applied to students and a recorded interview with the teacher. As a result, we can say that the use of art is important to assist in the English teaching-learning process. The research presented contributes to the area by showing the importance of using art to assist in teaching and learning English.


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