Teachers' conceptions
a reflection on active methodologies in the teaching of portuguese language
This study aims to analyze the perceptions of teacher-trainees – in initial and continuing education – regarding active methodologies. Based on theoretical studies on active methodologies and new multiliteracies, a virtual teacher training sequence was designed and developed, focusing on teaching reading and text production through active methodologies. The implementations were carried out remotely, and the context of the didactic intervention was the virtual learning environment of State University of Northern Paraná - UENP and Google Meet. The participants were volunteers, both teachers and undergraduate students of Portuguese Language. To achieve the objective of this study, we analyze the trainees' responses to a diagnostic questionnaire applied in an asynchronous virtual mode at the beginning of the second course. The research follows a qualitative, interventionist approach, based on action research. The analysis methodology is guided by Bulea's (2010) categories of Thematic Orientation Segments (SOT) and Thematic Treatment Segments (STT). The results show that the majority of
the teacher-trainees already had a solid conceptual foundation regarding active methodologies.
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