O modelo do Tribunal de Múltiplas Portas na gestão de conflitos e suas contribuições a partir do estudo de caso do Distrito de Columbia, Estados Unidos da América

  • Charlise Paula Colet Gimenez Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões - URI, campus Santo Ângelo/RS


The conflict management goes through the evolution of society and relations between people, as well as shows that traditional justice methods have revealed a cold, normative and distant system from people, whose answers do not consider the face and history of those who live the conflict. Instead of being the place where conflicts are managed, the Judiciary has presented itself where conflicts initiate, which contributes to the obstacles to adopt consensual and dialogued methods for the construction of conflict responses. In this sense, the Multidoor Courthouse system is presented as a skillful and sensitive method to address the conflict due to its specificities and indication of the most appropriate method for its management. Thus, the present article aims to analyze the model of the Multidoor Courthouse System and its contributions from the study of the District of Columbia, in the United States of America. In order to achieve its goal, it is adopted the hypothetical-deductive method of approach and bibliographic procedure method. From the research problem, it is observed the contributions of the multidoor courthouse system with the initial screening phase, which allows to identify the most appropriate procedure. This is the point to be highlighted that contributes to the Brazilian model.


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Author Biography

Charlise Paula Colet Gimenez, Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões - URI, campus Santo Ângelo/RS
Doutora em Direito pela Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul.


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How to Cite
COLET GIMENEZ, C. P. O modelo do Tribunal de Múltiplas Portas na gestão de conflitos e suas contribuições a partir do estudo de caso do Distrito de Columbia, Estados Unidos da América. Libertas: Revista de Pesquisa em Direito, v. 6, n. 1, p. e-202005, 29 Jun. 2020.
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