Between art and psychoanalysis:

the writing of the experience as a methodology

  • Mariah Neves Guerra
  • Cristóvão Giovani Burgarelli Universidade Federal de Goiás
Keywords: Art, Psychoanalysis, Methodology, Diane Arbus, Uncanny


What looks at us when we see art? How is it possible to research it and write about it? Based on the proposal of a methodological framework that could approximate the different knowledges of art and psychoanalysis in a tensioned way, this article presents an analyses originated from the relation between methodologies of the art field and the Freudian methodology in “The ‘Uncanny’”, the text which inaugurates the approximation between these fields.  Thus, this article presents the methodology betweenart and psychoanalysis, materialized by the desire of writing my experience of uncanniness with the photos of Diane Arbus. In this text, I start from my not-knowing, which constitutes my choice for such photos and my affectation by them, tensioned by the formalization of the methodology presented by Freud and by the technical aspects of the work that colaborates for this uncanny effect. Here, I bring together the technical aspects of the photographic work and what psychoanalysis formulated about the theme, to conceive a methodology betweenart, psychoanalysis and my experience (which bears the anguish that affects me through the uncanny that I experience), highlighting what is singular in the writing of each researcher and the possibility of a methodological framework that does not privilege one form of knowledges.


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Author Biographies

Mariah Neves Guerra

Mestra em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (2017).

Psicanalista Clínica em Brasília.

Cristóvão Giovani Burgarelli, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Doutorado em Linguística pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2003).

Professor efetivo da Universidade Federal de Goiás (1995).


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Philosophy and art