On a forced subjectivation:

the fusion of the beauty and the sublime in the Lacanian sublimation.

  • Vinicius B. C. de Sousa
  • Gilson Iannini
Keywords: Sublimation, Lacan, Antigone, Beauty, Sublime, Kant.


The aim of this article is to discuss how the Lacanian rereading of the psychoanalytic concept of sublimation is accomplished with the Kant aesthetic fundamentals as its background. In the course of our explanation, we intend to describe how the sublimation is characterized eminently as critical procedure of a determined social reality. Differently from Freud, which had thought the sublimation in frames of the sexual aim deviation towards objects which are recognized and valorized by culture, Lacan proposes a dislocation of the sublimation’s problematic out of the historic and cultural normative horizon, mobilizing categories like transgression and disruption. We will take Antigone tragedy as example, pursuing to give emphasis of how that function finds in the aesthetics resources a privileged way to be performed. The Kantian notions of beauty and sublime, as Lacan rereads them, will subsidize the exam of this formalization that sublimation tends to. The central hypothesis is that the Lacanian sublimation presupposes – and deepens – a kind of a fusion of beauty to the sublime, and not its separation. 


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Author Biographies

Vinicius B. C. de Sousa

Possui Mestrado em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP), especialização em “Clínica psicanalítica” e graduação em Psicologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC-Minas).  

Gilson Iannini

Professor do Departamento de Psicologia da UFMG. Foi professor no Departamento de filosofia na UFOP de 1999 a 2017. Doutor em filosofia pela USP, é autor de “Estilo e verdade em Jacques Lacan” (ed. Autentica). 


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