An aesthetics of presence:

Arendt as esthete

  • Daiane Eccel UFSC
Keywords: Hannah Arendt, Political Philosophy, Aesthetics, Work of Art, Culture.


Hannah Arendt is not a theorist on Aesthetics but rather, as widely knowing, of politics.. This does not mean that  aesthetic elements, related to the questions of art, taste and beauty, are absent in her work. Rather, the objective of this article is to point out these aspects and to indicate in which context of the framework the most important considerations in respect to aesthetics can be found. With that intent, we start from the idea that aesthetics as a philosophical science that investigates art and beauty, deals with three fundamental problems throughout its history: i) the relation between art and nature, (ii) the relation between art and men and iii) the function of art. Our working hypothesis is that all three aspects are somehow problematized in Arendt's work and our goal is to investigate where they can be found and their relevance in the author's framework.


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