Technical ambivalence and the end of history

  • Manuela Fantinato PUC-Rio
  • Pedro Duarte PUC-Rio
Keywords: History, Post-history, Technic, Writing, Image.


The examples of Walter Benjamin and Vilém Flusser allow us to tell the difficult history of the 20thcentury, although in two different parts. Benjamin denounces the ambivalence of modern history that revealed us that the cultural process it produced also led to barbarism, and it did so through the technique of which the astonishment would be the concentration camps – rationally planned and carried out. This acknowledgment would imply abandoning the ideology of automatic progress of humanity and the future that comes with it. Benjamin also pointed out the importance of “brushing history against the grain” to uncover revealing fragments of the past. Flusser, who arrived in Brazil in 1940, the same year that Benjamin committed suicide in Europe, is one step ahead in this challenge. For him, it is no longer possible to operate in the historical culture as the modern conception of history proved unsustainable. By analyzing technological devices, he could diagnose a post-history, in which writing gives space to images. For him, the second half of the 20thcentury needs to respond to a world filled with technical images, which could only be done through a fragmented and performative thought – what, in a way, meets the essayism of Walter Benjamin. 


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Author Biographies

Manuela Fantinato, PUC-Rio
Historiadora, mestre em Letras, doutora em História Social da Cultura, todos pela PUC-Rio, atualmente e pós-doutorante em filosofia, pela mesma universidade, com bolsa do CNPq. Foi pesquisadora visitante na Universidad Nacional de Rosário, Argentina, e na Brown University, EUA.
Pedro Duarte, PUC-Rio
Professor-Doutor de Filosofia da PUC-Rio. Foi Professor Visitante nas universidades Brown (EUA) e Södertörns (Suécia). É autor dos livros "Estio do tempo: Romantismo e estética moderna" (Zahar), "A palavra modernista: vanguarda e manifesto" (Casa da Palavra) e "Tropicália" (Cobogó).


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