Figuração e Negritude:

a Arte e o Outro como Ficção

  • Marco Antonio Vieira Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Keywords: Carl Einstein, Figure, Fiction, Africanities, Art Theory and History


 In Negerplastik, Carl Einstein demonstrates the fallibility of the alleged superiority of European Art in relation to its African counterpart. Einstein denounces the logic of the western pictorial model of the classical era by contrasting it to the African sculptural plasticity. Western Art depends on a figurative architecture rooted in naturalism and whose persuasiveness resides in the possibility of converting its narratives into sufficiently credible fictions whose rhetorical effect established ‘blackness’ as a ‘figure’ fabricated by History and its fictional and imagetic structures. This text proposes the scraping of this figurative landscape with a view to understanding how ‘blackness’ might be reinvented by contemporary artistic poiesis. By analyzing the works of three Brazilian black contemporary artists, namely, Rosana Paulino, Dalton Paula and Antônio Obá, this article is anchored in the notions of figure and fiction, as established by textual references in Art History and Theory of History.


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Author Biography

Marco Antonio Vieira, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Doutor em Teoria e História da Arte e Mestre em Teoria Literária. Curador independente desde 2007, com exposições de artistas como Rubem Valentim, Athos Bulcão e Vik Muniz. Professor Substituto da Graduação em Artes Visuais, na área de Teoria e História da Arte, da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, desde abril de 2019.


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