Descartes and the aesthetic dimension of the Compendium Musicae

  • Frederico Duarte Pires de Sousa Universidade Federal de Goiás
Keywords: Affektenlehre, Cartesianism, Compendium Musicae, Descartes, Musical aesthetics


Aware of the profound intellectual legacy left to the West by Cartesian thought, we will seek to situate such a legacy in relation to the subsequent development of musical aesthetic thought, seeking to understand how René Descartes's philosophy (1596-1650) proved to be important as a tool and common ground for aesthetics and the philosophy of music of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. To this end, our itinerary will take into account various aspects and moments of Cartesian philosophy. However, we will take as its main object the return to the text itself of the Compendium Musicae(1618), endeavoring to reveal, albeit modestly, some evidence of the aesthetic dimension present in this small pamphlet. The premise from which we start with regard to the Compendium is that at this philosophical moment of his work we find a Descartes before dualism, a Descartes concerned more with aesthetic pleasures than with the mirabilis scientiae fundamenta.


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Author Biography

Frederico Duarte Pires de Sousa, Universidade Federal de Goiás
Doutorando em Filosofia pela UFG (2017)


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