From the mute speech to the living speech:

a new regime of writing in Jacques Rancière

Keywords: Jacques Rancière, mute speech, rigimes, regimes of writing, description, word and image, writing


The purpose of this article is to think of a new regime of writing in Rancière based on the way the author interprets Schiller, not from the argumentative line of the text, but rather from its literary and descriptive character. Starting from the debate about the relations between image and word, we intend to show how Rancière thinks about the constructions and deconstructions of a series of hierarchies on the aesthetic thought that concern more about a regime of identification of the arts rather than the simple defense of one art over another. It is a question of thinking about the way in which we relate aisthesis to poiesis, as well as the ideas of humanity and subject that these relationships make visible. Thinking of the status of the sensible in the writing regimes will help us to think how certain textual operations - such as description - are sometimes viewed as subordinate to a causal chain, sometimes seen in their autonomy as thought. This is to affirm the emergence of a new writing regime that breaks with the hierarchies of the mimetic principle and, in so doing, also breaks with the ideas of humanity and subject that would pre-exist writing and language.


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Author Biography

Daniela Cunha Blanco, Doutoranda em Filosofia pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP) Bolsista Capes

Doutoranda em Filosofia pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Bolsista Capes


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