Reflexão mediada ou imediata

uma reavaliação ricoeuriana do modo como se deve pensar o sujeito cartesiano

  • Barbara Tortato
Keywords: Literature, subject, interpretation, mediation


We will try to justify, in this article, the importance of literature in the construction of the ricoeurian subject, showing to be indefensible the Cartesian assumption that self-knowledge is reached byintuitive means. Mediated reflexivity is suggested rather than Cartesian intuitive reflexivity. This mediation is the interpretive act itself. Ricoeur suggests that the symbol, the text, the narrative, are inviting us to “situate ourselves in the world”, since they are a laboratory of experiences, reinforcing the role of the subject's interpreter. The reader understands himself when he brings to himself meanings that he conquered inthis interpretation, in other words, the subject is constituted in his paththrough the text, heunderstands himself by reading it.


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Author Biography

Barbara Tortato

Mestre em Filosofia pela Universidade de Coimbra


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