• Itamar Rodrigues Paulino Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará
Keywords: Aesthetics, epistemology, literature, body, Sleep Walking


The relationship between aesthetic consciousness and epistemological conditions of novels committed to knowledge is the subject of this article. To develop an aesthetic consciousness of words is to read/listen to a novel with a condition of a sensitive individual who thinks alongside with the author, searching for a conductive and provocative axis in the entrails of a text that narrates important themes to humanity. Author of 'Sleepwalkers' and experimenter of a type of novel of formation (coming-to-age) or apex romance committed to knowledge, Herman Broch boldly designed a synthesis of textual possibilities in his novel, until possible narrative forms were exhausted, bursting aesthetic consciousness into the reader without which the novel that thinks loses its epistemological value. Broch articulates possible narrations and arguments of sleepwalking bodies to talk about modernity’s morbidity, evidencing the decadence of bourgeois spirit and disintegration of its values ​​until reaching the paradox of death of an epoch yet in life and the birth of a new one yet in gestation. What is warned in the end is that without aesthetic consciousness of words that allows the writer to write and the reader to read a novel that produces knowledge, the encounter between reader and writer might fall into the obviousness of fiction not committed to knowledge.


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