Dystopias and Transhumanism
This article examines dystopias as prophecies of an unwanted future if you don't try to avoid it; more than that, they will be examined as mental experiments. The methodology of the article is presented by the analysis of some dystopian science fiction, trying to understand the elements related to transhumanism, an optimistic view of science and technology, combined with an analysis of the transhumanist philosophy. Not all works are directly related to transhumanism, but the guiding thread of those present includes anthropological issues, of a human nature, which were not reported in the transhumanist discussion. We can perceive a transhumanist discussion in two extremes that appear in dystopias: the bioconservatives, calling for prudence and caution, and the transhumanists themselves, selecting the need to direct the evolution of scientific and technological instruments. Like exaggerated dystopias, specified as negative implications of technologies that are not harmless relatives, in order to make you think. This is what mental experiences in philosophy consist of. The analyzed works are: “A stopped machine” by E. M. Foster, “We” by Ievguêni Zamiátin, “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley, “A war of salamanders” by Karel apek and a “That hideous fortress” by C. S. Lewis.
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