On "overcoming" the body and soul distinction and its implications for arte from a Heideggerian perspective

  • Eliana Henriques Moreira UFT-Universidade Federal do Tocantins
Keywords: body, soul, overcoming, art, existence


In this work, we aim to discuss the idea of ​​deconstructing the traditional conception of the human being, which considers him as a composite of body (responsible for everything that refers to the senses) and soul (or reason, responsible for the intellect), in order to bring implications of this issue for the philosophical reading of art. For this, we start from the perspective opened by the philosopher Martin Heidegger, for whom the way of considering man as this compound, needs to be rethought. It is not that this interpretation is wrong, however, it crystallized in such a way that it is no longer discussed what the human is as such, one always starts from these assumptions, without questioning the basis of these fundamentals. Which culminated, in the modernity, with the trivialization of the validity of a notion of reason/ intellect and body / senses, which are unable to deal more broadly with the singularity of this being in its being, and imply a way of treating art from that horizon as an object pleasant to the senses. In this sense, the idea of ​​“overcoming” the distinction between body and soul in Heidegger does not mean to say that it is about overcoming in the sense of overcoming or overcoming this way of understanding the human. The "overcoming" here refers to the sense of a crossing of these notions, in order to resume a discussion of the human being's way from its foundations to enable another look at the human as such, trying to see it from what is shown not based on previous concepts, which is the very meaning of Heidegger's hermeneutic phenomenology.


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