Βίος + BI/OS

Difference and corporeality as observed in media arts transgressive technological approaches

  • DANIEL HORA Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Keywords: Difference and Technology, Systems, Hacking, Media Arts



In this paper, I will consider some perspectives raised by aesthetic assimilations of artistic practices associated to exploratory and transgressive uses of technology. Our axis of discussion will be the notion of difference that has been ascribed to this kind of hacking approach by McKenzie Wark, a theoretical contribution stemming from Deleuze. As a counterpoint to this specific understanding, I will review some topics found in strands of thought related to Jacques Derrida and Niklas Luhmann philosophies of difference. This way, I intend to highlight some shared perspectives regarding the constituent processes of technological corporeality that artworks may bring about through hacking. Their outcomes can thus be perceived as aesthetic manifestations of operations derived from system differences, often concerning both artificial and organic domains. Therefore, I will comment on how sensorimotor impulses and reactions articulated by hacking arts correspond the shuffling of aesthetic qualifications based on political life singularity (βίος), reflecting artefactual agencies explored and transgressed through technology. I will refer to this artefactual domain by means of the homophonous and metonymical BI/OS, acronym for the Basic Input-Output System that controls the operations of computational hardware, let’s say, its own corporeality.



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Chamada Fechada