The pulsating silence of images

documentary as a rescue from memory through the photography of bodies silenced by the dictatorship

  • Rita Márcia Magalhães Furtado Universidade Federal de Goiás/ Faculdade de Educação


The core of this work is the approach of photography as a representation, with the objective of characterizing the archival image as a carrier of the concept of memory, evoking the communicative power of fixed images to, from the mode of appropriation defined in the film format, analyze how two directors, Anita Leandro and Susana de Sousa Dias, give voice to photographic images of silenced bodies, making flow in them its ontological character which, vertically passing through time, is instituted as if in a continuous present. Besides the chosen theoretical reference - Georges Didi-Huberman, François Soulages, Anita Leandro and Jean-Louis Comolli - the filmic reference, based on the documentaries Portraits of identification of Anita Leandro and 48, by Susana de Sousa Dias, focuses on aspects that allow us to extract from photography an aesthetic reference for the discussion proposed here, based on a narrative that is intended subjective, while also universalist.


Keywords: Images; documentary; archival films; photography; military dictatorship


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