Walter Benjamin:

On “Certain Women”

  • Carla Damião
Keywords: Sibyl, Witch, Myth, Reason, Crimen exceptum


This article aims to constitute the Benjaminian imaginary on figures of sybils and witches based on different writings by the author, among which are his private correspondence, texts from his youth, and radio broadcasts. The starting point is an already published article, in two versions, by this same author, whose intention is to perceive a methodological aspect in the analogy created between the figure of the prostitute and that of the sibyl. These figures return in coincidence with what characterizes the wide denomination of witch in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. The central issue of this article is the balance between myth and reason in Walter Benjamin's dialectical perspective, as well as a conception of women as beings of the passages, guardians, guides or mediators.


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