Corporeality, Nomadism and Performance

  • Carla Damião
Keywords: Corporeality, Becoming, Nomadism, Selfies


The theme of the present article presupposes the so-called third wave of feminism, recognized in overcoming the egalitarian issue and committed to the deconstruction/constitution of identities. The idea that manifests itself is the creation of new territories and practices, productive becoming, which include the themes of embodiment and materiality, strongly associated with the practice of performance. A sense of embodiment related to a challenge process in transposing places and (de)composing identities. This article assumes not only the nomadism that refers to existential conditions and the subversion of physical and conceptual boundaries, but to the subvert of standardized images of women’s bodies through performances that use the manipulation of self-image in a photographic or digital medium. We will refer to certain performances, starting from the radicality of plastic surgery by ORLAN, who transforms her body in the place of violence inflicted on women’s bodies; the mimicry of cultural habits that treat a woman’s body as an “infinitely habitable container for desire” in Cindy Sherman; to the grotesque Selfies of Susanne Ohmann, which seek to subvert, through a play with objects and appearance, performing a daily construction of avatars in digital media and digital networks.


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