THE Third Cinema in Gilles Deleuze and Glauber Rocha

Towards an"Eztetyka" of the Fabulation of the Peoples

  • Thiago Mota Universidade Estadual do Ceará
Keywords: Christianity, Modernity, Politics, Resistance, Violence


This paper analyzes the conception of a third cinema (cinéma tiers), which can be found, for example, in Gilles Deleuze and Glauber Rocha. Its goal is to reconstruct the aesthetic of this Brazilian filmmaker, in light of the thought of the mentioned French philosopher. Our problem is first of all the overcoming the nihilism that marks modernity. Yet, during our development, this problem assumes the form of the question: how to invent a people? It can be said that with films like Deus e o diabo na terra do sol (1964) and Terra em transe (1967), Glauber showed that the shock, the trance and even the violence can be effective means in the production of minor peoples. Did the third cinema of Glauber and Deleuze manage to definitely surpass nihilism and change this world? Now, if they did not do it, at least, with their essays, they left behind several instruments and means that may be very useful for the resistance nowadays.


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Philosophy and art