Acervos virtuais e os modos de presença da arte

Keywords: Aesthetics, Theodor W. Adorno, Modes of Presence, Cultural Industry, Virtual Collections


Abstract: In dialogue with Rodrigo Duarte’s work, “Modes of Presence in the Contemporary Aesthetic Manifestation”, this paper aims at understanding how the virtualization of aesthetic phenomena disrupts the conditions for sensible apprehension. Resorting to the theme of Kant’s transcendental schema usurpation, as presented by Adorno and Horkheimer, to demonstrate how, when it comes to museum’s digital archives, the technology industry asserts itself as the dominant super-structure that determines the possibilities of object apprehension, allowing for us to characterize it as a contemporary outcome of the cultural industry. Taken as a new layer of mediation for the contemporary experience, to analyze the aesthetic and political impacts of virtual mediation on the modes of presence of digitalized art, which is determinant for the delimitation of possibilities for such presences.  


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Author Biography

Fernanda Proença, UFMG

Graduação em Filosofia na USP. Mestrado em Filosofia da Arte na UFOP. Doutoranda em filosofia da arte na UFMG.


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Philosophy and art