
um argumento

  • Pedro Ramos Dolabela Chagas
Keywords: Contemporary philosophy, Art philosophy, Epistemology


The essay argues that the period around the decade of 1970 produced a major discontinuity in the history of thought, setting a changethat is still on going. We then characterize this change in its main axes. As an exemple of the possibilities it opens up, we show the implications of its political and epistemological components for the theories of judgment, of the self andof aesthetic experience. Among the debated themes are the systemic impact of the“world revolution”of 1968, the rise in the interest for the “popular”, the breakdownin the chronotope of “historical time”, the concepts of self-cause, the epistemological dislegitimation of determinism, the new descriptions of the self (in the implications for aesthetic experience) and the implications of democratic atomization for aesthetic and political judgment.


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Estética e Epistemologia