Nietzsche e a ciência:

Do Romantismo ao “Novo Esclarecimento” (Aufkärung)

  • Bárbara Lucchesi Ramacciotti
Keywords: Art, Science, Historical philosophy, Enlightenment, Free Spirit


This paper is to examine the mutation around the question of science that occurs between the program of "artist's metaphysics" expounded in The Birth of Tragedy (1872) and the design of a"historical philosophy" outlined in Human, All Too Human (1878). By this procedure aims to understand what Nietzsche means the task of "carrying out enlightenment" (Aufklärung). We will do an analysis of the texts mentioned privileging some pairs of opposites, which operate as a guidesthe conceptual network involved in the different conceptions Nietzschean science and philosophy, such as: art X science, tragic wisdom X Socratic rationalism, metaphysics X historical philosophy, belief X true-experiment, free-spirit X spirit captive.


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Estética e Epistemologia