Crítica cultural e sociedade unidimensional

  • Robespierre de Oliveira
Keywords: cultural critique, one-dimensional society, critical theory, Adorno, Marcuse, Benjamin


The cultural critique of “Frankfurt School”is not summed up to the cultural orartistic question neither can be considered as“pessimist”or“elitist”. Cultural critique concerns to the critique of culture as much as of society, in the same way Marx showed the relation between material production and spiritual reproduction of society. In thisway, Benjamin developed his criticism to the cinema, Adorno coined an expression “culture industry” and Marcuse “repressivede-sublimation”. Benjamin noted the affection of experience by new technologies of cultural reproduction. Adorno pointed out the regression of hearingin the phenomenon of music distribution, but this could be extended to the regression of the senses. Marcuse also developed the“loss”with the concept of “repressive de-sublimation” pointing to the one-dimensional society. The changes in contemporary society show the limits of Frankfurt School cultural criticism, but at the same time, show its relevance.


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