Deleuze e a estética como um problema para o pensamento

  • Leandro Lelis Matos UFMG


The aim of this paper is, from Deleuze's philosophy, to discuss the extent to which Aesthetics emerged as a problem for philosophy, causing thought to be forced to face the dimension of obscurity. The hypothesis to be followed is that thought was released from the commitment to a clear and distinct reason, with a notion of an exclusively rational idea that always left the sensitive and bodies outside. I will list a set of theses focused on the relationship between art and thought, in Deleuze, a set to which I intend to guide according to the following reading: within the undeniable turnaround that Difference and Repetition provoked in the philosophical tradition in general, the paradoxical meeting between sensitivity and thought is one of the main contributions of Deleuze's thought to Aesthetics.


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Aesthetics and Philosophy