Earth and World into Work

Critique of Aesthetic Tradition and Art as Alétheia in Heidegger

  • Gabriel Herkenhoff Coelho Moura Universidade Federal de São Paulo
Keywords: Ontology, Aesthetics, Art, Truth, History


The importance of The Origin of The Work of Art in Heidegger’s path of thought is notorious. Besides adding to the framework of the thematization of the question of being a reflection on art, the conference is considered a landmark of the displacement from the existential analytic of Dasein to the problem of history of being. Divided in three parts, this paper connects such a displacement to the relationship between art and truth established in the conference. In the first part, it indicates how the criticism of aesthetic tradition is inserted in the project of overcoming metaphysics through the problematization of the subjectivism. The second is dedicated to the theme the origin of the work of art in its nexus to the notions of history and institution. In the third part, it discusses the idea of art as a setting-itself-into-work of truth as alétheia, bound to the tension between world and earth that would expose itself in art. In the final remarks, I suggest that, going beyond the Greek paradigm and Heidegger’s hesitations, the association between art and alétheia also applies to the experience offered by modern and contemporary works.


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Aesthetics and Philosophy