Two Imaginations in Miniature of Labor

Walter Benjamin, Liliana Porter

Keywords: Labor; Walter Benjamin; Liliana Porter; Miniature Artistic and Literary Practices; Collection.


This article proposes approximations to the concept of labor based on artistic-literary works constructed with miniature objects. An excerpt from Walter Benjamin's childhood memories and two installations by the Argentine artist Liliana Porter were chosen as the analytical corpus. In these works, the experience of labor and workers is represented on a reduced scale. In this approach, the interest lies in investigating what comes into action in the act of imagining labor, particularly temporality and labor force, to consider the creative and collector's appropriation of miniature objects.


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Author Biography

Francisco Camêlo, UFRJ/FAPERJ

Doutor em Letras/Literatura, Cultura e Contemporaneidade pela PUC-Rio (2021). Realizou Estágio Doutoral na Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, com bolsa CAPES/PrInt (set. 2019 a dez. 2020). Atualmente, é Pesquisador do Programa de Pós-Doutorado Nota 10 (PDR-10) da FAPERJ no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência de Literatura da UFRJ, sob supervisão da Profa. Flavia Trocoli. Número do processo: E-26/205.706/2022 e 205.707/2022.
