Nas trincheiras se faz música, e ela é preta

Keywords: Marcuse, Angela Davis, Blues, Aesthetics, Aesthetic Experience


This article presents the interconnection between the aesthetic theory developed by Herbert Marcuse, especially in his works "Eros and Civilization" and "The Aesthetic Dimension," and the investigations conducted by Angela Davis in the work "Blues Legacies and Black Feminism: Gertrude 'Ma' Rainey, Bessie Smith, and Billie Holiday." Black cultural manifestations receive emphasis, highlighting the importance of Blues as an aesthetic manifestation capable of exemplifying the "new sensitivity" proposed by Marcuse. Building upon Davis's ideas, the article aims to demonstrate how the musical genre can be considered one of the catalysts for significant transformations in the social consciousness of the African American working class. Female Classic Blues is highlighted to elucidate its transformative power evidenced through the genre's songs, while also highlighting the revolutionary power of aesthetic experiences.


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