Small incursion in female images in Benjaminian writings

  • Carla Milani Damião
Keywords: Eros, Feminine paradigms, Gender.


In the beginning of this article, I approach a text written in 1920 by Walter Benjamin, posthumously published under the title: “On Love and Related Matters (An European problem)”. In this text, talking about sexuality and eroticism, Benjamin contests the theories that assume an unchangeable control of the laws of nature. Against the idea of a war between the sexes, as a sort of eternal truth, Benjamin proposes a transformation of the male through the transformation of the male understanding of women. I intend to contrast this text with a later one, whose value is to discard the idea of the uniqueness of the feminine fi gure and to show different images of women, which also emerge in others of his writings.


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Eros e Filosofia