Cotidiano, alienação e estética clown em Dias perfeitos, de Wim Wenders

  • Herik Oliveira USP
Keywords: Daily life; work; alienation; free time; clown aesthetics.


The discussion is based on the analysis of the film Perfect Days, directed by Wim Wenders (2023). It starts with reviews and critics about the work that celebrate its openness to the poetics of everyday life and routine or that denounce it as escapism, falsehood, and elitist fantasy. The limits of individual enchantment in an alienated everyday life in the context of administered society are discussed. In administered society work is the apex of the organization of existence, including free time. The text also defends the proposition that the reception of the film, divided between celebration and refusal, reflects, in a split way, the oscillation between resistance and adaptation characteristic of an aesthetic trait that would be at the heart of this work, namely, the “clown aesthetics” (SILVA, 2017). For this, elements of this aesthetic are highlighted in Perfect Days. The reflection is supported by theoretical contributions from T. W. Adorno, M. Horkheimer, H. Marcuse, W. Benjamin, and other critical references, such as A. Heller and G. Lukács.


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Art and Critical Theory