Study of movement and the technical and artistic preparation of the interpreter of contemporary dance

  • Lígia Losada Tourinho
  • Eusébio Lôbo da Silva
Keywords: Theater, Dance, Movement study, Preparation Technique, Phenomenology


This article develops a refl ection on the concept of study of the movement returned for the interpreter’s of contemporary dance technical preparation - understanding the same as one of the possible arts of the scene. We developed a refl ection fi rstly on the contemporary dance, their origins and in- fl uences. We thought soon afterwards about the importance of the artist’s of the contemporary scene relationship with his/her own body and we adopted the study of the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty as methodological guideline to think the dance. This article breaks of the idea that the concept of current corporal preparation doesn’t break more than a language than the dancer should dominate to dance. The concept of study of the movement developed at the present time puts the contemporary dancer inside of another paradigm - the technique as solemnityknowledge instrument. We don’t need a body formatted inside of a specifi c aesthetics, but an available body - energy and life driven for a creativity process and expression. We danced with the body that we had, with owns our body, and not with the body that we imagine to have.



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