
the semantic opacity of the world. A commentary on "Notes on Kafka", by Theodor Adorno.

  • Verlaine Freitas UFMG
Keywords: Theodor Adorno, Franz Kafka, Psychoanalysis


The purpose of the text is to make a critical analysis of the main concepts, themes and philosophical arguments articulated by Theodor Adorno in his essay “Notes on Kafka”. It does not intend only to present the philosopher’s argumentative line, but to extract consequences of it and to reflect critically on the validity of certain positions. We defend the thesis that Adorno employs three kinds of literalness in his reading of the Czech author: linguistic, dreamlike and psychoanalytic. 


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ADORNO, Theodor W. Ästhetische Theorie. Gesammelte Schriften, vol. 7. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1997.

FOSTER, Roger, “Adorno on Kafka: Interpreting the Grimace on the Face of Truth”. New German Critique 118, Vol. 40, No. 1, p.175-198.

ROSENFELD, Anatol. “Kafka e o romance moderno”. In: ROSENFELD, A.; FERNANDES, Nanci & GUINSBURG, Jacó (orgs.). Letra e leituras. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1994, p.41-64.

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