Kant after the end of art

Keywords: Kant, Reflection, Contemporary art, Greenberg, Danto


The general purpose of this article is to analyze the Kantian concept of “mere reflexion” as a critical feeling, in order to think about the problem of contemporary art reception. In order to achieve this aim, firstly we point out the notion of the “end of art” in Arthur Danto and describe how “the world of art” constitutes a problematic legitimation of art. Therefore, we examine the imposing way in which the “world of art” transfigures ordinary objects into pieces of art. Thereafter, we point out the misconceptions that Greenberg made while reading Kant's aesthetic. We argue that Danto's objection to Greenberg, according to which Kantian aesthetics would be obsolete in judging contemporary art, does not correspond to a real objection to the Kantian aesthetic. Finally, we try to answer if the Kantian aesthetic could help us provide a reflection on contemporary art. In this regard, we have made the appropriation of the Kantian concept of reflection along with Thierry de Duve's reading of the Kantian Aesthetics to dialogue with contemporary art.


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Author Biography

Regina Sanches Xavier, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Doutoranda e Mestre em Filosofia, na linha de pesquisa Estética e Filosofia da Arte, pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Professora da Universidade Federal de Rondônia.


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Aesthetics and Philosophy