Do canto da sala para o centro da aula:
expandindo perspectivas no ensino/aprendizagem de inglês inclusivo
Inclusive education is an old discussion, however, in the teaching and learning of English, it still faces challenges. In this sense, this paper will approach the pedagogical elaborations on inclusive education and will discuss the potential that the university-school-nucleus to support inclusion partnership presents for teacher training. The research was developed within the scope of the XXX project during hybrid learning in 2021 and is supported by the description of the didactic sequence elaborated and in the discourse of a teacher, under the Discourse Analysis. We highlight the work of members of the university, school and inclusion support center to think about the inclusion of students with special educational needs and a mobilization of the teaching and learning process as a whole, to promote other inclusions such as that of socially vulnerable students. We defend that inclusive education is seen as a total reformulation of the space and time of teaching and school to be effectively worked on
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